Finance & Cyber Security LMS

train your employees for anything and everything

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Insurance Firm

Employees, Customer Care

Equity Firms

Employees, Customer Care

Cyber Security Firm


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Best Fit

What makes us the Best fit?

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Compliance Management

Create content on latest standards, best practices and rules for imparting impactful compliance training for regulations such as GLBA, BSA / AML, or FFIEC

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Extended Enterprise/ Multi-Tenant

A vast number of varied learning programs can be hosted through single instance using one database and so more secure and uniform.

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Blended Learning

Auto-Train your employees with a dedicated learning path carved out differently for each role using offline and online training. Train employee at each level according to their needs.

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Cyber Training

Leverage virtual laboratory facility to train your employees on different malicious environment, simulating real life threats

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Tracking and Reporting

Track the growth and performance of trainees through pre and post assessment and comprehensive analytics dashboard with strength and weakness mapping

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Mobile Learning

Learn any time, anywhere, on any device. Full access to all the features on a mobile device. Let the employee learn at their own time & pace without disturbing their regular work hours.

Let's Start

Start building a smarter Organisation


Cloud Model

Annual Subscription
Deploy in Your Own Cloud
Host Anywhere


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